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Common metadata

Status Version Maturity Normative level
Work in progress v0.6 draft ikke normert/skal ikke normeres

Status and maturity level explained.


The status of the product indicates where in the release cycle the product is at the moment of publication.

Status Description
Work in progress Product is in active development, COULD indicate planned normative level of the finished product.
Prerelease Prerelease version of the published product, SHOULD have version number and proposed normative level of the finished product.
Release A release version of the product, metadata MUST indicate normative level and version number. A release version is indicated as a separate version of the product in the release publication list and MUST be available for latere reference.
Normative Normative version published by e-helse, metadata MUST indicate normative level and version number. A normative version is indicated as a separate version of the product in the release publication list and MUST be available for latere reference. A normative version has been subject of the formal normalization process documented by Direktoratet for e-helse
Deprecated A deprecated version of the product, SHOULD have version number and proposed normative level of the finished product, if the product is superceded by a new product this hould be indicated by the documentation.

Code blocks for color coding

A simple html code block is used for the color coding of the different status categories:

Work in progress

<span style="background-color:gold">Work in progress</span>


<span style="background-color:BlueViolet">Prerelease</span> 


<span style="background-color:LimeGreen">Release</span>


<span style="background-color:CornflowerBlue">Normative</span>


<span style="background-color:OrangeRed">Deprecated</span>  

Maturity level

Each part/artifact of a publication can have different maturity based on the level and types of review it has been subject to.

Maturity Description
1-draft untested draft not yet ready for review
2-review draft ready for review
3-test reviewed draft ready for testing (when applicable)
4-mature Mature part of the publication, this part has undergone necessary QA for release publication
5-normative Normative part of the publication, this part has undergone formal normative process and is considered a normative part of the publication

Use of metadata

All pages publicly available from Direktoratet for e-helse's GitHub should indicate maturity and status of the publicly available documentation. The status should be indicated with at table on the top of each page, just like what is shown on the top of this one. The markdown code for the metadata table should look like this:

| Status | Version | Maturity | Normative level |
|  <span style="background-color:gold">Work in progress</span> | v0.5 | draft | ikke normert/skal ikke normeres |